Instagram is one of the useful platforms in the present day to promote your app. With millions of people using Instagram daily, it has become easier for the app owners to use this platform for promotions.

There are about 800 millions of users who are using Instagram every month. According to a report, people upload over 60 million photos every day. Also, they get about 1.6 billion likes on their photos each day.

The platform has a group of influencers who help you in getting the required visibility in the market. However, there is a cost that you will need to pay to avail their services.

To achieve better rankings on Instagram, you need to post related content and be regular with your work every day. This will help you in fetching followers significantly. However, do you know how Instagram can boost your app’s performance?

How can Instagram help you boost your app’s performance and visibility?

Instagram has six main factors that help you in boosting your app’s performance and visibility. Here are those six factors:


The Instagram algorithm counts the number of likes, shares, comments, reshares, and video posts you receive. This helps you in creating interests amongst the public in the real world. Instagram studies your interest rate by analyzing all the things that are taken into consideration.


The algorithm of Instagram allows you to prioritize showing and promoting your posts amongst your family and friends. So, to do so, Instagram uses your interactions with your audience to improve your app.


Another vital factor Instagram algorithm has timeliness. It measures the amount of attention you are giving to the user interaction factor. This is determined by calculating the duration of your last post.


Instagram allows you to use your activity metrics to find out when your audience is online. Then, it counts how much time you are spending with your audience to understand their expectations. You can sell your products and services during peak hours. To find out the peak hours, Instagram allows you to pull your activity metrics report.


The algorithm of Instagram counts how much time you have opened your Instagram app. If you are someone who uses the app frequently, then your feed tends to look “chronological”. In other words, if you open the Instagram app regularly, the platform shows your best photos and posts since the time you last visited the app.


Instagram always keeps a tab of your followers. If you have a lot of followers, Instagram gives you an option to become an influencer. By doing so, you can promote your app efficiently and reach the maximum public.

App Usage

If you are spending more time on the platform, you will see many posts by digging deep into the catalogue. Instagram keeps a tab of your activity and ensures that your day highlights are shown to the people.

Instagram is by far the best platform that you have got to promote your app and get more revenue out of it. However, by doing the steps mentioned above, you can improve the performance and visibility of your app easily.

Read our other article on How do push notifications for your app works?

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