Many app owners often wonder that google reviews affect their ranking or influence them. Well, they are right. Google reviews often help in improving the search rankings in the app store. Also, it does help in the ASO efforts that they are implementing it.
Many factors are taken into consideration when it comes to search rankings and getting customer reviews. In other words, fetching online reviews from customers is helpful for your app in several ways. It helps you in boosting your customer interaction and gain the right authority.
In today’s world, competition is becoming more robust and challenging for all small businesses. Therefore, managing customer reviews is the best way to raise visibility in the app store results.
How to Know That Reviews Matter?
When you are considering ASO factors, customer reviews are not the primary thing that comes into your mind. Starting from content creation to link building, everything comes into the picture. Similarly, reviews are also part of ASO that can help you get the right attention from people. Google reviews mostly allow businesses that are based out of local regions.
According to a study, Google Reviews that have keywords are becoming the second-most influential element of driving traffic. It can also boost your organic rankings globally. In other words, when your app is user-friendly, people tend to give reviews and recommend others to use it.
Why are reviews necessary for ASO?
Research is essential, and people tend to get attracted to the charts of businesses. Companies and businesses get more organic traffic. Here are specific explanations that might be helpful for you to understand how it works:
Google believes in your customers.
Google focuses on the signals to identify if your site is worthy enough to get good rankings. The importance of backlinks in Google fetches the right rankings for you. It can only be done when the ASO of your app is optimized correctly. If your app is receiving a link from any other relevant sites or apps, Google captures it as a matter of belief and trust. So, it rewards you by increasing your visibility as the rankings go higher.
Google loves to read.
Google tends to read your app and site thoroughly to know the world that you deal with. The more content you are going to upload, it’s better for your business. When you are using customer reviews for ASO, Google tries to read through the keywords and content that you are uploading. In other words, Google studies your optimization strategy.
Excellent reviews can fetch you more clicks.
Launching an app in the market and achieving success with it depends on the clicks and number of downloads. If you can interact with your customers efficiently, they can give high ratings and reviews to your app. This also helps in the positive word of mouth that you need for your app. Overall, it increases the number of downloads and ranks your app higher on the store.
These are some practical ways that help you understand the importance of Google Reviews. Make sure that you get good reviews and ratings in Google so that you can improve your ROI efficiently.
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