Digital marketing mainly includes two main objectives. The first one is acquiring users and the second thing is retaining them. This will help you in building a good ROI every year. If you don’t know how to acquire or retain, then it’s time to understand how to do it. If you are launching an app in the market, then you will have to understand the user acquisition 101 to drive ROI growth.

What do you understand by User Acquisition?

User Acquisition or UA means adding a new user to your website or app. Depending on the sector of business you are dealing with; many strategies can drive user acquisition.

Let’s explain it to you by giving you an example. Firstly, imagine that you are coming up with an ecommerce app in the market. Secondly, the leads that you will get by advertising your product in the market will come from a source. Thirdly, the source in itself is user acquisition that provides you with the right tools and methods to approach new users. Moreover, this will help you in onboarding more users over a period.

Why is it important?

Here are a few important reasons why user acquisition is important for marketing an app:

1. Developing business needs and improving user base:

If you are planning to use your apps as a medium to generate business, you will have to attract new users daily. Also, the performance of customer acquisition has a real and direct relation with the ROI. Once you get some new users, you will have to convert them to make profits. As numerous business model recommends, you will have to go through certain losses to make profits.

2. More users will get more customers:

Every user that you are going to acquire will give you a chance to convert. Acquiring customers refers to the progress of a stage in your strategic marketing funnel. There are many endless points for you to nurture your users and make more conversions.

3. Consumer data is your key to success

App installs will bring you more businesses; however, gathering their data play a crucial role in it. It will help you in creating better trends, understand user patterns, and cohorts.

How does it work?

The implementation in the businesses will assist you in finding new users and can boost your conversion rates. Here are some new strategies that will help you in marketing:

  1. Identifying target groups and providing them some valuable benefits.
  2. Picking up the channels that can add value to your app and customers.
  3. Finalizing your budgets, distributing it, and making sure that the outreach of your app is more.
  4. Using formats that are considered standard to your funnels.
  5. Aligning your conversions and having a retention plan.


These are some relevant ways that will help you in understanding the user acquisition 101. By implementing these ideas, it will help you in creating a long-lasting business.

Read our other article on App marketing for Black Friday 2021

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