1. Adglobi delivers Mobile App installs to app owners, media buyers/advertising company to whom we call as advertisers.
2. Completion of campaign set by advertiser based on the reporting & statistics available on Adglobi platform.
3. If you have not using any attribution links like (AppsFlyer, Kochava, Adjust & Tune) to track installs in case of CPI campaigns & events in case of CPA campaigns then you agree to rely on our reporting & statistics.
4. By running campaign on our platform you agree that the discrepancy in install numbers between our reporting & app stores reporting by 5-10%.
5. Delivery of installs totally depends on the traffic availability in that country which you targeted, volume of installs & required installs per day.
6. Expected duration of completing a campaign may vary on many aspects like traffic availability, required installs a day & targeted country & difficulty level of conversion flow in case of CPA campaign.