App Store Ratings & Reviews

What are these reviews & where can I see?

Apple App Store ratings & reviews improve the app ranking & conversion of store visitors into loyal users. Large quantity of installs along with reviews & ratings helps you to hit the top charts in Apple App Store. Upvotes to reviews make sure that only good reviews shows to store visitors. This approach helps your app to start showing in Apple App Store suggested & search results.

How this works?

There are very simple steps involved. Once you finalised the reviews (text) & what ratings you want to add for your app, we will post your ad to our users. These all are real users who review your app with exchange to gift coupons & rewards. They will post the same text what you shared with us along with ratings. While writing reviews make sure to add highly demanding keywords which are related to your niche.

Why should I purchase it?

- To create good impression among your loyal users

- To increase the popularity of your app

- People trust reviews posted one iOS store as those are highly evaluated from iOS store team.

- Improve ranking & get more organic users.

- Improve rank for certain set of keywords.

At what stage would these ratings & reviews will be helpful for my app?

At any any stage, right from the day one when you launch your app on Apple App Store.

Note: You need to provide us text to be added in the reviews along with the ratings.

What quantity should I buy?

There is no limit in buying App Store ratings & reviews.

Are these reviews legit or fake?

All reviews, ratings & installs on our platform are genuine & from actual humans. We don’t practice malicious practices which could compromise your precious developer accounts.

What are pre-requisites to run this campaign?

- App should be live on App Store to get reviews.

- We need reviews (text) from your once you place the order with us. In case if you don’t have bandwidth to write reviews, our content writing team will write it for you with additional cost. Contact customer support - for more information on this.

What should I expect from this campaign?

- Improved ranking on the Apple App Store.

- Good app rating on Apple App Store.

- Improved ranking for certain keywords which will bring more installs for your app.

Note: Your reviews & ratings won’t get deleted from app store. We offer 30 days guarantee.