Amazon Reviews Upvotes

What are these upvotes & where can I see?

Upvotes to reviews indicates how useful people finds the reviews posted for your Amazon prod-ucts. Number of upvotes to particular reviews indicates that more people are finding useful that re-view. You can see this in the review & rating section of Amazon product page.

How this works?

Once you share your Amazon product with us, we will ask our users to review it & press upvote button for the review which you want to be more popular.

Why should I purchase this package?

- Increase upvotes to reviews means more engagement to your product. Users will see your product as more promising.

- This will create positive impression among your customers before purchasing your product.

At what stage would these reviews be helpful for my page?

As soon as you make your product like on Amazon site, you can buy this package from us.

What quantity should I buy?

There is no limit actually.

Are these likes legit or fake?

We only offer genuine service from genuine users. Your accounts are in safe hands don’t worry.

What are pre-requisites to run this campaign?

- An active product on Amazon which should be available to all the public or at least in the country from where you want these upvotes for your reviews.

- You need to have reviews in place for which we will ask our users to upvote.

- You need to provide us for which review you need these upvotes.

What should I expect from this campaign?

- Increase upvotes for reviews which you want.

- More upvoted review will get more exposure to customers.

- Good impression among your customers.